For the young person I was, under 25 years, attending the African School on Internet Governance and getting involved in the internet ecosystem in my country, as well as in the African region, was a dream that I will continue to follow. The very first ever event related to Internet Governance I attended was the FGIRDC2019: The Second Edition of the Forum on Internet Governance in my country the DR Congo, in 2019.
I always remind myself about that day as if it was yesterday due to the excitement the event created inside of me as well as the empowerment I gained through it – I have to assume that not all heroes wear capes…
This is how it started
Having a background in Computer Sciences and Management, an interest digital human rights and internet governance came just after I started learning how to write articles on subjects that matter to my community in 2017. Luckily, I met bright young minds under the age of 30 and they inspired me a lot to the extent that I felt a pride of belonging to the ideological stream and the positive energy which was coming from my peers. I can’t thank them enough.
By the way, I would rather thank the God who made our paths cross. From writing blog posts and engaging with the youth in activities related to digital human rights, it is almost where everything started before almost five years later I joined the prestigious learning opportunity the AfrISIG has offered to me.
Read the full blog post on the AfriSIG website.