Bruna Zanolli
Bruna Zanolli is a hands-on researcher in the areas of community networks and digital care. For more than 10 years she has been active in free/community radios and networks and women’s rights movements. She is interested in how intersectional feminist, decolonial thinking and popular education can be used as tools to narrow the gaps of access in its multiple layers. She holds a Master's in Communications from MediaLab UFRJ and is part of the Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN), an initiative led by the APC Women's Rights Programme. She is also a member of the Transfeminist Network of Digital Care, a network focused on diversifying the voices, faces and methodologies of digital practices and care.
In 2018-2019 she was a Ford-Mozilla Open Web fellow, with host organisation ARTICLE 19 Brazil. In 2021 she led the creation of a Community Network Manual for a project implemented by APC in partnership with Rhizomatica with the collaboration of Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and a varied committee of experts, and with support from the UK government’s Digital Access Programme.
Purpose of position
The Innovation, Technology and Sustainability (ITS) co-coordinator will be responsible for coordinating initiatives and funding to support innovative technology use and approaches that enable scaling and sustainability of community networks. This position is managed and funded by Rhizomatica.