The online event "Building an enabling environment for community networks in Brazil" will take place on Wednesday, 20 October at 13:30 UTC, and will feature the launch of three new materials related to the promotion of community networks in the country:
The executive summary and main recommendations from a policy brief focused on regulation and formulation of public policies that will be delivered by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) to the Brazilian telecommunications agency Anatel, in order to contribute to the advancement of initial steps taken by the agency in the country.
The publication Manual de Redes Comunitárias (Community Networks Manual), which brings together basic technical information, implementation tips and reference materials, aimed at communities and local organisations that wish to start their own community network.
A set of two videos produced to complement the manual, highlighting some of the main aspects of community networks for people who are not yet familiar with the concept or the field.
Based on the information gathered in these new materials, the event will reflect on how to advance in the construction of an environment that encourages community networks to strengthen community communication alternatives and expand internet access in Brazil, considering the diversity of contexts lived in the country.
Event information
Online launch: Building an enabling environment for community networks in Brazil
When: 20 October (Wednesday) from 13:30 to 15:00 UTC
Where: Live broadcast on the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) channel on YouTube (in Portuguese).
There will be simultaneous interpretation into English and Spanish on the Zoom platform at this link.
About the launch
The materials launched and the respective recommendations that will be presented during the event are the result of a project carried out by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), with the collaboration of Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and a varied committee of experts who work with communities and universalisation of internet access in Brazil, and with support from the UK government’s Digital Access Programme.
The project identified barriers, challenges and opportunities to facilitate the emergence and sustainability of community networks in Brazil, based on extensive research in the Brazilian and global contexts, the latest innovations from these small non-profit actors, in addition to discoveries and experiences of more than 40 people interviewed or who contributed directly to the preparation of the materials, all of them related in some measure to the field of community networks in Brazil, internet access, spectrum management, digital exclusion or research in information and communication technology projects.
Based on this research, recommendations for regulatory changes and concrete policies were drawn up on how to create a more favourable regulatory environment for community networks. A manual and accompanying videos were also produced to provide a summary of what community networks are, how they work, why they are important, and what would be the first steps for communities and organisations interested in this form of connection.