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Adriana Labardini Inzunza

Adriana Labardini Inzunza is an independent public interest lawyer specialised in information and communications technology (ICT) regulation, public policy and competition issues. She collaborates with Rhizomatica promoting and advocating for sustainable, self-managed community networks to bridge the digital divide, and promoting rural and Indigenous connectivity and media. She is also a founder of Conectadas, a network of women in the ICT industries working for gender equality in Mexico.

She obtained her law degree cum laude from Escuela Libre de Derecho in Mexico City in 1987 and her Master’s degree (LLM) from Columbia University in New York as a Fulbright scholar in 1991. For four and a half years, she served as Commissioner at the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), the Mexican independent regulatory body and competition authority for the telecommunications and broadcasting industries.

Purpose of position

To contribute to an enabling policy and regulatory environment for local access and community networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. This position is managed and funded by Rhizomatica.

Latin America and the Caribbean policy coordinator, community networks project
