Article 66(D) of Myanmar's 2013 Telecommunications Law, which provides for up to three years in prison for “extorting, coercing, restraining wrongfully, defaming, disturbing, causing undue influence or threatening any person using a telecommunications network,” has had a dramatic impact on free speech in the country. The law is frequently used to silence dissent, and with more than 100 cases filed, its chilling effect on freedom of expression is widespread.
To counter this, APC member EngageMedia, along with fellow APC member Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO), launched "Are You Ready?", a short animated film that provides an overview of Article 66(D) by describing its impact on freedom of expression in the country and how people's digital rights are being violated. The film, which was screened at the Myanmar Digital Rights Forum, was made possible by an APC project grant, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
"Are You Ready?", produced by animation and graphic design start-up JOOSK Studios, showcases the effects of Article 66(D) on ordinary people and how Myanmar authorities abuse the law to prevent and repress dissent.
The film is part of a campaign to increase the national, regional and international profile of digital rights issues in Myanmar, and foster discussion on these issues among activists, decision makers and media activists and in the film and technology industry. It is backed by education and campaign materials to support the work of campaigners, activists and educators to raise awareness among people and decision makers regarding freedom of expression online and defend against the rollback of rights, including gender-related rights. This work builds upon EngageMedia’s COCONET camp, which brought together over 100 digital rights advocates, artists and communications specialists.
We encourage you to:
Share the film online, or download it for screening.
Get involved with the Say No to 66D campaign.
Read more on EngageMedia's website.
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