Skip to main content Tecnologías Comunitarias is an organisation that, since 2014, has been working with a focus on the use and development of technologies from a community perspective and for the common good, supporting social movements, organisations and people who fight for social justice and equality in the community. Its work has focused mainly on Ecuador, but it also provides services, advice and support in other parts of Latin America. currently offers the following services:

  • Secure hosting for websites and organisational clouds
  • Audio broadcast for community media
  • Design and development of websites and applications
  • Secure videoconferencing services
  • Localised enterprise resource planning (ERP) for non-profit organisations with budget accounting
  • Digital security training and implementations that focus on comprehensive security
  • Advice and technical support
  • Training.

APCNews spoke to Jonathan Finlay at about the organisation's reasons and hopes for joining the APC network.

APCNews: Why did you decide to join the APC network?

Finlay: As Tecnologías Comunitarias we share the principles and objectives of APC and its members, so for some years now we have wanted to participate and be part of this group with the purpose of sharing experiences, strategies and projects with other organisations that work in the use of ICTs as tools for human development and social justice. We also believe that this link with APC will allow us to strengthen our organisation and generate new networking opportunities.

APCNews: What do you think you can contribute as a member? And what do you expect from APC?

Finlay: We are excited to be able to contribute with our experience in accompanying and advising on the use of ICTs to organisations and people who fight for social justice, in the development of strategies in different areas such as the implementation and development of information systems, training and research, among others. We also believe that we can support and actively participate with APC and its members. We really want to create new relationships and networking.

We believe that we can take advantage of the experience of the other network members and strengthen our organisation through common work.