As engaged stakeholders in the WSIS+20 review process, we, the undersigned, submit the following recommendations* to help operationalise the WSIS+20 review modalities to ensure transparency, inclusivity and meaningful stakeholder engagement.
1. Publish a clear and inclusive timeline:
- Within seven days of appointing the co-facilitators, publish and maintain a comprehensive timeline outlining key milestones, including consultations and government-only negotiations, with adequate notice of any changes.
- Provide stakeholders with at least seven days to submit written input.
2. Ensure transparency and accountability:
- Maintain an online platform** centralising all input and draft documents, their status and stakeholders consulted.
- Publish substantive records of all consultations, including summary reports of main points and how these have been addressed, to enhance explainability.
- Livestream government-only negotiations*** and provide post-session transcripts.
3. Facilitate inclusive and meaningful stakeholder consultations:
- Actively seek stakeholder input at every stage (elements paper, zero/first/final drafts) through written submissions and official virtual/in-person consultations, applying equal participation rules for governments and other stakeholders.
- Hold official stakeholder consultations at existing forums, including global and regional IGF initiatives and the WSIS High-Level Event, while also inviting member states to conduct national consultations.
- Implement a multistakeholder speaking order during consultations by alternating speaking slots among governments and other stakeholder groups, with reasonable time allocation for interventions.
4. Broaden and diversify participation:
- Build on the WSIS+10 accreditation process, including by broadening the group of eligible stakeholders to participants of national, regional and global IGFs.
- Promote diverse participation by offering financial and logistical support for underrepresented communities, particularly from the Global Majority.
- Ensure accessibility globally by implementing measures such as accommodating different time zones and working days, publishing key documents in official UN languages, and providing low-bandwidth participation options.
5. Maximise inclusive participation in final negotiations:
- Limit any necessary closed-door intergovernmental negotiations to the final stage of the WSIS+20 process.
- Ensure meaningful and inclusive multistakeholder participation at the High-Level Meeting.
* These draw on existing guidance on multistakeholderism, e.g. São Paulo Multistakeholder Guidelines.
** For example, see this OHCHR platform.
*** For example, see recent negotiations on the UN Convention on Cybercrime.
List of endorsing organisations:
- .au Domain Administration Limited (auDA), technical community, Australia
- .Daily Nawa-I-Ahmedpur Sharqia, Pakistan
- .hn – Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras (NIC.HN) – ccTLD HN
- Access Now
- ACLIS, Burundi and Rwanda
- Africa Gen AI Lab
- Africa ICT Alliance (AfICTA)
- Alfa-Redi
- Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)
- Asian Social Science Research Institute (Asri), Republic of Korea
- Asociación SVNet (SV Top Level Domain)
- Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
- Association of Freelance Journalists
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
- Bolo Bhi (Pakistan)
- Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
- Center for Democracy & Technology
- Center for Studies of Freedom of Expression (CELE)
- Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)
- Colnodo
- Computer & Communications Industry Association
- Comunitatea Internet Association, Moldova
- Cooperativa Sulá Batsú, Costa Rica
- Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR)
- COYEDI, Burundi
- CyberPeace Institute
- Data Privacy Brasil
- DENIC eG, Technical Community, Germany
- Derechos Digitales
- Digital Action
- Digital Empowerment Foundation
- Digital Rights Foundation
- Digital Rights Nepal
- DigitalSENSE Africa
- DNS Africa Media and Communications
- DotAsia Organisation, Technical Community, APAC
- eco – Association of the Internet Industry
- EngageMedia Collective
- European Center for Not-For-Profit Law Stichting (ECNL)
- Feminist AI Research Network
- Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
- Global Network Initiative (GNI)
- Global Partners Digital (GPD)
- Hashtag Generation
- House of Africa, Chad
- Huaira Foundation Ecuador
- Identity Digital
- Institute for Policy and Legislative Research (IPLR), Republic of Korea
- Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
- Instituto para la Sociedad de la Información y Cuarta Revolución Industrial (Universidad La Salle, Perú)
- International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)
- Internet Australia
- Internet New Zealand Incorporated (InternetNZ), technical community, New Zealand
- Internet Society
- Internet Society Argentina Chapter
- Internet Society Belgrade, Serbia Chapter
- Internet Society Brazil Chapter
- Internet Society Chad Chapter (ISOC-TCHAD)
- Internet Society Comoros Chapter
- Internet Society Costa Rica Chapter
- Internet Society Dominican Republic Chapter (isoc-do)
- Internet Society Ecuador Chapter
- Internet Society El Salvador Chapter
- Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter
- Internet Society Gender Standing Group
- Internet Society German Chapter (ISOC.DE e.V.)
- Internet Society Malawi Chapter
- Internet Society Nepal Chapter
- Internet Society, Nigeria Chapter
- Internet Society Philippines Chapter
- Internet Society Puerto Rico Chapter
- Internet Society Singapore Chapter
- Internet Society UK England Chapter
- Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social
- Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS)
- Media Matters for Democracy, Pakistan
- Media Monitoring Africa
- NetMission.Asia
- Paradigm Initiative (PIN)
- Pastoralist Girls Foundation
- Public Interest Registry (PIR)
- Puerto Rico Top Level Domain (NIC.pr)
- Research ICT Africa
- RNW Media
- Rudi International
- Rural Media Network Pakistan
- Software Freedom Law Center India (SFLC.IN)
- Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
- Tech for Good Asia
- Tech Global Institute
- Tech4Peace
- TEDIC Paraguay
- Telecommunities Canada (tc.ca)
- The Korea Game Users Association, Republic of Korea
- Tierra Común Network
- Transformative Legal Policy Research Center [TLPR], Republic of Korea
- Usuarios Digitales Ecuador
- Virtual School on Internet Governance (VSIG)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikimedia Germany
- Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
- World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)
- Youth Internet Governance Forum Canada (Youth IGF Canada)
List of endorsing individuals:
- Alexei Marciuc, MIGF
- Alvin B. Marcelo, UP Manila Standards and Interoperability Lab
- Ashirwad Tripathy, Educating Nepal
- Asrat Mulatu (Ph.D), Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
- Avri Doria, Technicalities
- Basele Stephen Galgesa, ISOC Kenya Trustee
- Bilal Mahmood Sulehri, Acumen Financials/ ISOC Pakistan, Pakistan
- Bokyung Kim, CEO, Impactus Inc. Republic of Korea
- Carlos Vera Quintana
- Carlos Vera Sánchez
- Chaewon Song, Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities (KEAD) Workplace Disability Awareness Instructor, Republic of Korea
- Charles Mok, Stanford University
- Cheolwoo Lee, Representative lawyer of Munhwa Lawoffice, Republic of Korea
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr
- Concettina Cassa, IGF MAG member
- Dhruv Dhody, Internet Architecture Board
- Dr. Adebunmi Adeola Akinbo, President, DNS World.
- Dr. Florian Martin-Bariteau, Associate Professor of Law and University Research Chair in Technology and Society, University of Ottawa
- Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis, Resident Senior Fellow, Democracy and Technology Initiative, Atlantic Council
- Dr. Pari Esfandiari, Global TechnoPOlitics Forum
- Dr. William J. Drake, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia University, USA
- Eduardo Díaz, Puerto Rico
- Emmanuel Mfitumukiza,ISOC Rwanda
- Fiona M. Alexander, Internet Governance Lab, American University
- Iria Puyosa, PhD. Senior Research Fellow, Democracy + Technology Initiative, Atlantic Council
- Jang-Hie Lee, President, Asian Social Science Research Institute (Asri), Republic of Korea
- Joung IL JIN, 17jungle Studio, Director, Republic of Korea
- Lito Ibarra . El Salvador
- Mark Nottingham, Internet Architecture Board
- Mary Uduma, Chairperson, NKF
- Minhae Park, The Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence (PNAI) member, Republic of Korea
- Miraj Chowdhury, Digitally Right, Bangladesh
- Nicolas Fiumarelli
- Paul Wilson, Australia/USA
- Remmy Nweke, Group Executive Editor, ITREALMS Media group
- Stephen Dakyi, DABY Foundation
- Suyoung Lee, chairman, Institute for Policy and Legislative Research (IPLR), Republic of Korea
- Tommy Pauly, Chair of the Internet Architecture Board
- Umut Pajaro Velasquez
- Winthrop Yu – Philippines
- Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, Professor Emeritus, University of Aarhus
- Yongho Cho, Transformative Legal Policy Research Center [TLPR], Republic of Korea
- Mahishaa Balraj, Attorney-at-Law, Director / Co-Founder, Hashtag Generation
- Nighat Dad, Executive Director DRF, former member of UNSG AI HLAB
- Santosh Sigdel, Executive Director, Digital Rights Nepal
- Olorundare Kunle, President/CEO, Jacobian-Sam Care Foundation