During the two workshops the facilitators we able to capture a number of issues from the community members at the two telecentres.
When asked on their views regarding women access to ICTs, their responses were mixed . While some noted that women lagged behind mainly because of cultural inhibitions, high illiteracy and low income levels among women, others noted that women were more enthusiastic to ICTs which has made them positively fight illiteracy, created job openings and made them more aware of other gender related issues and rights.
Read the full article on Telecentre.org
_Image_: Dafne Sabanes Plou (APC) and Kawolo women group members.
Taken and licensed with UgaBYTES2008. Original link here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26741789@N04/2756461058/in/set-721576066625...
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