Erika Smith
Originally from the US, Erika has lived in Mexico for over two decades. She has been training women in Mexico on the use of computers and the internet since 1991, and has been a member of the APC Women's Rights Programme since 1994. Her educational background is in Latin American studies and women’s social movements. She is also on the board of the interpreter and translator collective Tlatolli Ollin/Words in Movement, dedicated to providing quality translation and interpretation on social justice issues. A part of WRP, Erika is responsible for the implementation of the Womanity Award for Gender and ICT to end violence against women / Take Back the Tech! Mexico, and integrates the capacity building strategy group within WRP.
Purpose of position
Coordinate the Take Back the Tech! Mexico activities and network, including strengthening APC WRP's network of partners and allies in Mexico and PARM. Contribute to and implement APC WRP's capacity building strategy.