This member story was featured in the 2016 APC Annual Report, as part of our work on use and development.
For the last few years Pangea has been involved in the eReuse.org project, dedicated to promoting and facilitating the reuse of computers and other electronic devices. The project’s main goal is to extend the lifetime of these products through repair, refurbishment and reuse, to ensure final recycling.
In 2016, one of the activities undertaken within the project was a pilot involving a real experience of reuse of computer devices. Focused on Barcelona, and in collaboration with other organisations that are members of the eReuse.org community, we established a network of potential donors and beneficiaries. More than 100 devices were collected, revised and prepared for reuse. All these devices were distributed to associations and non-profit programmes here in Barcelona.
It was a successful experience that contributed to improving the software and processes that eReuse.org is developing to facilitate, support and automate the preparation and traceability of these devices. It also helped to increase the interest of civil society associations and circular economy organisations, and even the general public, in the reuse of electronic devices and its benefits.
Now this pilot is being replicated in other places, incorporating all the improvements derived from the pilot experience, with more donors, beneficiaries and social enterprises involved, and with very good initial results and expectations.
Image: Pangea.