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Acción Ecológica is an organisation based in Ecuador, founded in 1986, that works to counteract the environmental impacts generated by activities like oil drilling, mining, hydroelectric plants, biotechnology, transgenics, bioprospecting and biopiracy. Through its work, it promotes the defence of nature and the environment while seeking to overcome the restrictions that have been placed on democratic processes of participation in these efforts.

The organisation works with young people in urban settings, promotes community gardens in the periphery of cities, and travels the country denouncing the links between powerful business interests and powerful political circles, and the consequent effects on ecosystems. For over 30 years they have spearheaded campaigns against agroindustrial and oil drilling activities, the criminalisation of environmental defenders, the impacts of monoculture plantations, and the effects of mining on local territories, through initiatives like the Amazonía por la Vida (Amazon for Life) campaign.

In June 2021, Acción Ecológica joined the APC network of member organisations. APCNews spoke with the organisation’s representatives about the reasons behind this decision.

APCNews: Why did you decide to join the APC network?

Acción Ecológica: We actually formed part of this network during its initial stages, and for us as an organisation, it is important to re-establish these connections and networks in these difficult times, when communication is becoming a crucial part of the struggle and resistance in defence of our territories, cities and environment. We also believe it is important to reflect on the environmental and social impacts of information and communications technologies (ICTs), for better or for worse, on the global South. Belonging to this network will help enrich this conversation and reflection from different perspectives and regions.

APCNews: What do you think you can contribute as a member, and what do you expect from APC?

Acción Ecológica: We believe that our contribution to the network will include sharing our own reflections on the impacts of ICTs on our territories, and also the work that is being done in Ecuador around the use of these tools for the defence of our cities, communities, forests and grasslands, as well as human rights.

We hope to learn from each of the organisations that form part of the network, and to share strategies and ideas to enhance our own work while contributing what we can to these other organisations.

For us it is vitally important to continue weaving networks in different spaces and places, which is why we are grateful for the opportunity to form part of this space once again.

The APC network has 58 organisational members and 33 individual members active in 74 countries. What unifies APC members is their work to promote the use of the internet for social justice and sustainable development. They are at the two extremes of internet connectivity and in between. Learn more about our members around the world here.