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The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) comprises two phases. The first phase took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10-12 December 2003, where 175 countries adopted a Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action. The second phase will take place in Tunis, Tunisia, from 16-18 November 2005.


During the second phase of WSIS, efforts are being made to put the Plan of


Action into motion. Working groups have been set up to find solutions and


reach agreements on key issues such as Internet governance and financing mechanisms.


The Summit is an important event, symbolising the recognition by the global


community that ICTs can play a major role in social and economic development and contribute significantly towards poverty alleviation.


SANGONeT will host a Thetha forum on 29 June 2005 to provide South African civil society organisations (CSOs) with an opportunity to reflect on the focus and objectives of WSIS and related processes. It will also provide a platform to discuss the position of the South African government and civil society in this regard. A similar meeting will be held in Cape Town during July 2005.


SANGONeT is compiling a draft WSIS civil society document with the support of various local CSOs. This draft document focuses on issues such as local content; community broadcasting; freedom of expression, diversity and pluralism; financing the digital divide; education and ICT literacy; and gender and ICTs. The document will be reviewed and discussed at the Thethas.


The first WSIS Thetha will be held on Wednesday, 29 June 2005 (09h00-16h00) at the Parktonian Hotel, 120 De Korte Street, Braamfontein.


If you are interested in participating in this Thetha, please contact Refilwe Rakhibane or Sandra Roberts at SANGONeT before 27 June 2005: Tel: (011) 403-4935 / Fax: (011) 403-0130 E-mail: /


SANGONeT’s Thetha Forums aim to provide CSOs with an opportunity to discuss information communication technology (ICT) issues of common concern and to learn from one another’s experiences. The forums focus specifically on the ICT challenges facing the CSO sector, highlighting and promoting practical benefits, opportunities and lessons learned to date.


For more information on WSIS, please refer to the following websites:


WSIS Official Website /


Heinrich Boell’s Worldsummit2005


WSIS Civil Society Meeting Point


UN Non-governmental Liaison Service – Special WSIS Page


WSIS Community Platform


Participation in the Thetha is free of charge.


"Come Thetha with us"

Author: —- (SANGONeT)
Date: 06/08/2005
Category: Democratising Communication