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9 November 2009 | Updated on 30 August 2024

Since the inception of the Internet Governance Forum, the Council of Europe, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) have been working on a joint initiative on public participation in internet governance.

The full Code of Good Practice for Internet Governance is now available for download.

The aim of the CoE/UNECE/APC project is to consider whether there is scope for developing a code of good practice on information, participation and transparency in internet governance. Such a code, if developed, could build on existing internet governance experience and the principles concerning Internet governance which were adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society.

The three entities have held joint workshops around this theme at both the Rio de Janeiro (2007 and Hyderabad (2008) meetings of the Internet Governance (IGF), and a first discussion paper was presented.

On 13 May 2009, at a discussion meeting held in the context of the Open Consultations for the IGF 2009, the initiative presented a second paper, containing a mapping of existing information and participation arrangements of major internet governance entities.

At the 2009 IGF (Sharm el-Sheikh, 15-18 November), a draft code of good practice on information, participation and transparency in internet governance was discussed at a workshop.

At the 2010 IGF in Vilnus on September stakeholders discussed their experience of exploring the practical aspects of applying a draft code of good practice to the development of the South African broadband policy.

The code is open for contribution at the wiki and keeps informing APC’s work on internet governance.

More information: Code of good practice wiki.

Read the full Code, available in English, Spanish, and French.

Photo by nirbaho.

Project team