6 January 2021 | Publication Intervozes Intervozes: Brazil Justice condemns Google for prior censorship for removing content
17 December 2020 | APC Talk Marcela Guerra and Cezar Renzi for GenderIT.org Women in community networks in Latin America: The story of Belém
17 December 2020 | APC Talk ORCAL Community Networks Stories: How community networks from Latin America partnered up for learning, sharing and caring
15 December 2020 | APC Talk Jes Ciacci (Sursiendo) “We are struggling to survive”: Resistance against mining in Acacoyagua, Chiapas
9 December 2020 | APC Talk Bruno Marinoni and Marina Pita Offensive against Sleeping Giants Brazil may set a dangerous precedent
2 December 2020 | Publication Various "We will observe the evaluation and preparatory trial hearing of the Ola Bini case"
17 November 2020 | APC Talk Isabel Harari for Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) Community Networks Stories: A digital communications system geared to the needs and local context of remote communities in the Amazon
17 November 2020 | APC Talk Ani Phoebe Hao for GenderIT.org Bárbara Paes on Black feminist cyberactivists in Brazil and the neoliberalism of "women in tech"
1 October 2020 | News APCNews 30th anniversary: Our member Vera Vieira shares her vision for APC in the next 10 years
29 September 2020 | News APCNews 30th anniversary: Our member Nupef shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years