14 November 2018 | News APCNews What's new on the spectrum? “Let's make sure we can use it for what is needed”: A conversation with Peter Bloom from Rhizomatica
11 November 2018 | Publication Carlos Baca, Luca Belli, Erick Huerta and Karla Velasco Community Networks in Latin America: Challenges, Regulations and Solutions
31 October 2018 | Publication Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social In defense of freedom of expression and the right to communicate: Intervozes' public note on the 2018 presidential elections in Brazil
7 November 2018 | News What's new on the spectrum? "Regulation cannot be static: Flexibility is required to accompany technological advances" - A conversation with Carlos Afonso from Nupef
21 September 2018 | News APCNews New APC member Damián Loreti: “Media laws are part of the political and legal battlefield”
29 September 2018 | APC Talk Rhizomatica APC members in 2017: Building and supporting community cellular networks in Brazil and Colombia
29 September 2018 | APC Talk Rhizomatica and AlterMundi APC members in 2017: Rhizomatica and AlterMundi train indigenous communicators in Mexico
29 September 2018 | APC Talk Nupef Institute APC members in 2017: Nupef Institute launches collaborative multilingual website on spectrum usage policies and practices
29 September 2018 | APC Talk Nodo TAU APC members in 2017: Digital skills to strengthen digital rights for local communities in Argentina
25 September 2018 | APC Talk Colnodo APC members in 2017: Colnodo strengthens digital skills and security in Colombia