6 November 2015 | News Flavia Fascendini Julián Casasbuenas: "APC has had a great effect on all its member organisations"
15 October 2015 | Publication Derechos Digitales, APC and Coding Rights Latin America in a Glimpse: Human rights and the internet (2015)
29 September 2015 | Publication Various Open letter: Challenging the feminicide of woman human rights defender Nadia Dominique Vera Perez; the feminicide of Yesenia Quiroz Alfaro, Mile Martin and Alejandra Negrete Virginia; and the murder of photojournalist Ruben Bonilla Espinosa
28 September 2015 | News Flavia Fascendini New individual member Mario Morales: "APC is a meeting and learning point"
18 August 2015 | APC Talk APC Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade: Privacy and the Marco Civil consultation
19 June 2015 | News Flavia Fascendini Women activists exchanging knowledge on gender and internet governance
4 June 2015 | News Mallory Knodel APC supports civil society in Paraguay fighting mandatory data retention bill, #pyrawebs