29 September 2009 | APC Talk KAH Amy Mahan Research Fellowship Program to Assess the Impact of Public Access to ICTs
24 September 2009 | News Ysabel Briceño and AL Local internet traffic in Venezuela: More efficiency or more State control?
16 July 2009 | News Lourdes Pietrosemoli ICTs and minorities: Deaf students no longer excluded from IT
9 July 2009 | Publication Sandra L. Benítez U., Adela Vivas y Luis Germán Rodríguez Venezuela: Analysis of the proposal for reforming the Telecommunications, informatics and postal services law
9 July 2009 | Publication Roberto Bustamante Vento y Maicu Alvarado V. Peru: Public strategies for new technologies in rural areas
9 July 2009 | Publication Raquel Escobar Guevara Ecuador: Inputs from civil society for the formulation of the Communication Law
9 July 2009 | Publication Colnodo Colombia: Social appropriation: The implementation of the new Compartel telecentres