3 September 2019 | News Chako Armant from Ensemble Pour la Différence: "Women became our first respondents and partners"
26 June 2019 | Publication Research conducted by Nicola Bidwell and Michael Jensen Bottom-up Connectivity Strategies: Community-led small-scale telecommunication infrastructure networks in the global South
19 June 2019 | News Peter Bloom for Rhizomatica The shift from connecting people to connecting things: Why 5G will not reduce the digital divide
14 March 2019 | News Gabrielle Willms The APC community’s work on access in 2018: Pushing for people-centred communications networks
12 November 2018 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati for APCNews Connecting the next billions at IGF 2018: "Let's think in terms of social development and not profit alone"
8 October 2018 | APC Talk Andrew Garton Right to Know - Episode 4: Digital literacy and the perils of social activism in India
1 October 2018 | APC Talk Andrew Garton Right to Know - Episode 3: The unheard will not remain unseen
26 September 2018 | News APCNews Changes in the telecoms landscape and their implications for universal, affordable access to communication in Africa