5 May 2022 | Publication Namita Aavriti Malhotra, Tigist Shewarega Hussen and Mariana Fossatti Feminist by Design: How to build a feminist internet and why it matters
11 March 2022 | Publication Bruna Zanolli and Débora Prado Encounters, coffees and conflicts: Reflections from action-research on a feminist autonomous network
12 October 2021 | APC Talk Mythri Prabhakara for GenderIT.org Learning digital security as a “non-techie”
5 October 2021 | News Intervozes, CONAQ, MMTR/NE Lived experience and connection: Networks of knowledge produced by Black and rural women through the Territórios Livres, Tecnologias Livres project
24 June 2021 | APC Talk Gorata Chengeta for GenderIT.org Creating and caring for feminist digital archives in Africa
12 May 2021 | APC Talk Jes Ciacci for GenderIT.org Imagining a principle for a feminist internet focusing on environmental justice