19 October 2019 | News Flavia Fascendini A look into one year of APC's impact: About roots, flowers and moving tiles
27 August 2019 | News Foundation for Media Alternatives Imagine a Feminist Internet: Southeast Asia workshop will explore intersections of gender, sexuality and technology
20 June 2019 | Publication This document was compiled and created by Jac sm Kee, with inputs from Tigist S. Hussen, Namita Aavriti, and Katerina Fialova Feminist Internet Research Domains of Change: Planning and assessment
13 June 2019 | News Gabrielle Willms Making a feminist internet with the APC community in 2018: Raising awareness, strengthening networks and building capacity through workshops, research and advocacy
7 May 2019 | News APCNews 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: How can we effectively campaign for freedom of expression?
2 April 2019 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati Rego Can we make internet standards feminist? Discussion at the Internet Freedom Festival
19 February 2019 | APC Talk APCNews Conversations with campaigners: Looking back at 2018’s Take Back the Tech!
16 November 2018 | APC Talk Maja Romano for APCNews Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance: Emerging issues on sexuality and diversity
29 September 2018 | APC Talk WOUGNET APC members in 2017: WOUGNET highlights the importance of the Feminist Principles of the Internet to achieve women's rights online