20 October 2020 | APC Talk David Souter Inside the Digital Society: Lessons from a national Internet Governance Forum
6 October 2020 | APC Talk David Souter Inside the Digital Society: The past and future of the internet
14 July 2020 | APC Talk David Souter Inside the Digital Society: A different year for the Internet Governance Forum
9 March 2020 | Publication APC APC contribution to the Secretary-General’s Roadmap on the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation and Roundtable 5A/5B on Digital Cooperation Architecture
10 January 2020 | APC Talk Miru Lee Exploring the human rights dimensions of artificial intelligence and online content moderation at the IGF
19 December 2019 | News Maja Romano GISWatch launch at the Internet Governance Forum: Artificial intelligence and human rights at the forefront
11 December 2019 | APC Talk Dorothy Mukasa Criminal justice and digital evidence: What are the parameters?
5 December 2019 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati Rego Local access and community networks at the 2019 Internet Governance Forum (Part 1)
5 December 2019 | News Anriette Esterhuysen, new chair of IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group, will strive to ensure the global South is part of the conversation