6 December 2018 | APC Talk Sebastián Becker Castellaro Algorithmic transparency and the right to explanation: Transparency is only the first step
26 November 2018 | APC Talk David Souter Inside the Information Society: A new tool for measuring the internet
16 November 2018 | APC Talk Maja Romano for APCNews Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance: Emerging issues on sexuality and diversity
16 November 2018 | APC Talk Maja Romano for APCNews IGF Main Session on Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy: Who does multistakeholderism represent?
16 November 2018 | APC Talk Gabrielle Willms for APCNews Countering misinformation online: Strengthening media literacy skills to fight “fake news”
15 November 2018 | News APCNews Launch of the 2018 GISWatch report on community networks: The many ways to "do-it-yourself" to end digital exclusion
15 November 2018 | APC Talk Gabrielle Willms for APCNews Connecting the underserved: Innovation through knowledge sharing, “imagination” and a “community mindset”
14 November 2018 | APC Talk Gabrielle Willms for APCNews Preventing online violent radicalisation of youth: “Media and information literacy is the counter-narrative”
14 November 2018 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati for APCNews "We have the standards, the means to make internet services accessible. So why is this not happening?" Insights on disability and accessibility at the IGF 2018
14 November 2018 | APC Talk Flavia Fascendini for APCNews Focusing on the SDGs: “We have to really think about including all genders and marginalised genders in this conversation”
13 November 2018 | Publication APC Contribution from the Association for Progressive Communications to the IGF intersessional work on Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) – Phase IV