7 April 2020 | Publication Closer than ever: Keeping our movements connected and inclusive – The Association for Progressive Communications' response to the COVID-19 pandemic
7 April 2020 | News Vino Lucero for Coconet Coconet: Artificial intelligence and human rights in Southeast Asia – an overview
3 April 2020 | News Marta Kopp Brazil acknowledges community networks as viable option for connectivity
2 April 2020 | News Tshepiso Hadebe, ALT Advisory Phase 2 updates to ALT Advisory’s Data Protection Africa portal are now available
2 April 2020 | Publication Various Joint civil society statement on Myanmar government's orders to block over 200 websites
2 April 2020 | News 7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Development Palestine Digital Activism Forum challenges movement restrictions and social isolation due to corona with online conference
2 April 2020 | Publication Various Civil society from Latin America and the Caribbean demands respect for human rights when governments deploy digital technologies to fight COVID-19
27 March 2020 | News Hija Kamran Digital Rights Monitor: Coronavirus crisis highlights digital divide in Pakistan
20 March 2020 | News May First Movement Technology May First Movement Technology: Statement on the coronavirus situation