5 June 2019 | News APCNews Unwanted Witness: Demanding an inclusive internet legislative process that puts human rights at the centre
4 June 2019 | Publication Deborah Brown (APC) and Sheetal Kumar (Global Partners Digital) UN First Committee Processes on Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace: An Explainer
3 June 2019 | News APCNews APC at the SIF: Tackling the many forms of “denial of service” to keep the internet free, open and secure
1 June 2019 | News Disco-tech Tunis: Join us in this pre-RightsCon event on internet shutdowns in Africa
18 May 2019 | Publication APC The surveillance industry and human rights: Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
14 May 2019 | News APCNews APC at the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019: Defending human rights in the context of shrinking democratic spaces online
13 May 2019 | Publication Various Open letter to states on preventative engagement with, and action on, Tanzania at the Human Rights Council’s 41st session
7 May 2019 | News Gabrielle Willms The APC community’s work on digital rights in 2018: Advocating for rights-based policy and practices in local, regional and global contexts