8 August 2018 | Publication KeepItOn Coalition #KeepitOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure in Ethiopia
6 August 2018 | Publication Alan Finlay Action Steps: A decade of civil society advocacy in the information society - A baseline review of the Global Information Society Watch country reports (2007-2017)
25 July 2018 | News Deborah Brown, with collaboration from Sidra Rizvi HRC38: Valuable outcomes and advances around internet rights, despite challenges
17 July 2018 | Publication APC HRC38: APC response to the Special Rapporteur's report on content regulation in the digital age
2 July 2018 | Publication Various Call to members of the European Parliament: Open letter on the EU copyright reform
18 June 2018 | News We can be heroes: Towards public and legal recognition of online gender-based violence
18 June 2018 | News HRC38: Eliminating online, digital and ICT-facilitated violence against women and girls
18 June 2018 | Publication APC Reorienting rules for rights: A summary of the report on online content regulation by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
5 June 2018 | News 7amleh – Arab Center for Social Media Advancement Has the Palestinian Cybercrime Law really been amended?