18 September 2019 | News Our community in 2018: From a school makeover in the DRC, a 25th anniversary and a lifetime achievement award, to digital ethnography in India and 29 grants for members
21 December 2018 | APC Talk Rohini Lakshané for GenderIT.org Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender
23 November 2018 | APC Talk Claudia Pozo for Whose Knowledge? Reporting back from Decolonizing the Internet 2018
12 November 2018 | Publication Alex Comninos and Martin Konzett FABRICS: Emerging Artificial Intelligence Readiness
2 July 2018 | Publication Various Call to members of the European Parliament: Open letter on the EU copyright reform
9 November 2010 | News Andrew Rens From piracy to copyright reform - APC proposes new model for South Africa
19 October 2010 | Publication Andrew Rens Report on fundamental rights, and global copyright legislative best practise for access to knowledge in South Africa
20 May 2010 | Publication South African CSOs Submission by South African civil society organisations on Intellectual Property Amendment Bill