In 2011 a study by GroupLens revealed the gender imbalance on Wikipedia, and there was an outpouring of articles in the global media about the notorious absence of women in the world’s largest virtual encyclopedia. At that point the Wikimedia Foundation set in motion an ambitious plan to try to incorporate more women. Above all, user groups appeared, making it their business to get more women involved as their main goal. One of these groups was called Wikimujeres in its Spanish version and Wikiwomen on the international level.
In spite of the rivers of ink expended on gender imbalance in Wikipedia, little or nothing has been said about the other open software, free culture and open content movements. What is the status of gender balance in such established and deep-rooted movements as the open software movement, Mozilla users’ groups or open culture communities? Above all, what about those organisations that partially support progressive ideals in movements?
Read the full article in GenderIT.org .