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Dear Mark Zuckerberg:

What do the Philadelphia Museum of Art, a Danish member of parliament, and a news anchor from the Philippines have in common? They have all been subject to a misapplication of Facebook’s Community Standards. But unlike the average user, each of these individuals and entities received media attention, were able to reach Facebook staff and, in some cases, receive an apology and have their content restored. For most users, content that Facebook removes is rarely restored and some users may be banned from the platform even in the event of an error.

When Facebook first came onto our screens, users who violated its rules and had their content removed or their account deactivated were sent a message telling them that the decision was final and could not be appealed. It was only in 2011, after years of advocacy from human rights organizations, that your company added a mechanism to appeal account deactivations, and only in 2018 that Facebook initiated a process for remedying wrongful takedowns of certain types of content. Those appeals are available for posts removed for nudity, sexual activity, hate speech or graphic violence.

This is a positive development, but it doesn’t go far enough.

Today, we the undersigned civil society organizations, call on Facebook to provide a mechanism for all of its users to appeal content restrictions, and, in every case, to have the appealed decision re-reviewed by a human moderator.

Facebook’s stated mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. With more than two billion users and a wide variety of features, Facebook is the world’s premier communications platform. We know that you recognize the responsibility you have to prevent abuse and keep users safe. As you know, social media companies, including Facebook, have a responsibility to respect human rights, and international and regional human rights bodies have a number of specific recommendations for improvement, notably concerning the right to remedy.

Facebook remains far behind its competitors when it comes to affording its users due process. 1 We know from years of research and documentation that human content moderators, as well as machine learning algorithms, are prone to error, and that even low error rates can result in millions of silenced users when operating at massive scale. Yet Facebook users are only able to appeal content decisions in a limited set of circumstances, and it is impossible for users to know how pervasive erroneous content takedowns are without increased transparency on Facebook’s part. 2

While we acknowledge that Facebook can and does shape its Community Standards according to its values, the company nevertheless has a responsibility to respect its users' expression to the best of its ability. Furthermore, civil society groups around the globe have criticized the way that Facebook’s Community Standards exhibit bias and are unevenly applied across different languages and cultural contexts. Offering a remedy mechanism, as well as more transparency, will go a long way toward supporting user expression.

Earlier this year, a group of advocates and academics put forward the Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and Accountability in Content Moderation, which recommend a set of minimum standards for transparency and meaningful appeal. This set of recommendations is consistent with the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of the right to freedom of expression and opinion David Kaye, who recently called for a “framework for the moderation of user- generated online content that puts human rights at the very center.” It is also consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which articulate the human rights responsibilities of companies.

Specifically, we ask Facebook to incorporate the Santa Clara Principles into their content moderation policies and practices and to provide:

Notice: Clearly explain to users why their content has been restricted.

  • Notifications should include the specific clause from the Community Standards that the content was found to violate.
  • Notice should be sufficiently detailed to allow the user to identify the specific content that was restricted and should include information about how the content was detected, evaluated, and removed.
  • Individuals must have clear information about how to appeal the decision.

Appeals: Provide users with a chance to appeal content moderation decisions.

  • Appeals mechanisms should be easily accessible and easy to use.
  • Appeals should be subject to review by a person or panel of persons that was not involved in the initial decision.
  • Users must have the right to propose new evidence or material to be considered in the review.
  • Appeals should result in a prompt determination and reply to the user.
  • Any exceptions to the principle of universal appeals should be clearly disclosed and compatible with international human rights principles.
  • Facebook should collaborate with other stakeholders to develop new independent self-regulatory mechanisms for social media that will provide greater accountability.3

Numbers: Issue regular transparency reports on Community Standards enforcement.

  • Present complete data describing the categories of user content that are restricted (text, photo or video; violence, nudity, copyright violations, etc.), as well as the number of pieces of content that were restricted or removed in each category.
  • Incorporate data on how many content moderation actions were initiated by a user flag, a trusted flagger program, or by proactive Community Standards enforcement (such as through the use of a machine learning algorithm).
  • Include data on the number of decisions that were effectively appealed or otherwise found to have been made in error.
  • Include data reflecting whether the company performs any proactive audits of its unappealed moderation decisions, as well as the error rates the company found.

ARTICLE 19, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Center for Democracy and Technology, and Ranking Digital Rights

Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente 
7amleh - Arab Center for Social Media Advancement 
Access Now 
ACLU Foundation of Northern California 
Adil Soz - International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech 
Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) 
Albanian Media Institute 
American Civil Liberties Union 
Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) 
Arab Digital Expression Foundation 
Artículo 12 
Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias América Latina y el Caribe (AMARC ALC) 
Association for Progressive Communications 
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law 
Bytes for All (B4A) 
CAIR San Francisco Bay Area 
Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) 
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Collaborators 
Center for Independent Journalism - Romania 
Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP) 
Child Rights International Network (CRIN) 
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) 
Digital Rights Foundation 
EFF Austin 
El Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (IPANDETEC) 
Electronic Frontier Finland 
Elektronisk Forpost Norge 
Foro de Periodismo Argentino 
Foundation for Press Freedom - FLIP 
Freedom Forum 
Fundación Acceso 
Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente 
Fundación Datos Protegidos 
Fundación Internet 
Fundación Vía Libre 
Fundamedios - Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study 
Garoa Hacker Club 
Gulf Center for Human Rights 
HERMES Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights 
Homo Digitalis 
Human Rights Watch 
Idec - Brazilian Institute of Consumer Defense 
Independent Journalism Center (IJC) 
Index on Censorship 
Initiative for Freedom of Expression - Turkey 
Instituto Nupef 
International Press Centre (IPC) 
Internet without borders 
La Asociación para una Ciudadanía Participativa ACI Participa 
May First/People Link 
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) 
Media Rights Agenda (MRA) 
Mediacentar Sarajevo 
New America's Open Technology Institute 
NYC Privacy 
Open MIC (Open Media and Information Companies Initiative) 
Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) 
Panoptykon Foundation 
PEN America 
PEN Canada 
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center 
Portland TA3M 
Privacy Watch 
Raging Grannies 
ReThink LinkNYC 
Rhode Island Rights 
SHARE Foundation 
South East Europe Media Organisation 
Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) 
Syrian Archive 
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) 
The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression 
Viet Tan 
Vigilance for Democracy and the Civic State 
Visualizing Impact 

1See EFF’s Who Has Your Back? 2018 Report, and Ranking Digital Rights, Indicator G6

2 See Ranking Digital Rights, Indicators F4, and F8, and New America’s Open Technology Institute, “Transparency Reporting Toolkit: Content Takedown Reporting”

3 For example, see ARTICLE 19’s policy brief, “Self-regulation and ‘hate speech’ on social media platforms”