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The consortium’s only non-global South member is WO=MEN, founded in 2006 to bring a gendered focus to the Dutch MoFA’s work on development cooperation. WO=MEN works towards a just world where gender equality, the rights of women and girls and GNC persons are respected and actively demanded in the Netherlands and beyond. WO=MEN holds a unique position as a lobbyist, watchdog and activist to promote women’s rights and gender equality in the Netherlands and internationally. Their work fosters stronger connections between the international gender equality and women’s rights agenda, with Dutch policy agendas, public opinion and local realities, through the monitoring of parliamentary agendas, sharing of information with parliamentarians via one-on-one consultations, inter-parliamentary events, and coordinating expert meetings on women’s rights and gender equality.
The consortium’s only non-global South member is WO=MEN, founded in 2006 to bring a gendered focus to the Dutch MoFA’s work on development cooperation. WO=MEN works towards a just world where gender equality, the rights of women and girls and GNC persons are respected and actively demanded in the Netherlands and beyond. WO=MEN holds a unique position as a lobbyist, watchdog and activist to promote women’s rights and gender equality in the Netherlands and internationally. Their work fosters stronger connections between the international gender equality and women’s rights agenda, with Dutch policy agendas, public opinion and local realities, through the monitoring of parliamentary agendas, sharing of information with parliamentarians via one-on-one consultations, inter-parliamentary events, and coordinating expert meetings on women’s rights and gender equality.