4 April 2019 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati Rego Collective digital security strategies for environmental human rights defenders: Conversation at the Internet Freedom Festival
11 March 2019 | Project Connecting the Unconnected: Supporting community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives
12 February 2019 | News APCNews “We can't just sit back and wait”: Indigenous, black and campesino communities in Colombia meet their own communications needs with community wireless network
9 January 2019 | APC Talk Take Back the Tech The ABC of taking back the tech: Colnodo's 16 days of activism
21 December 2018 | News Adriana Labardini Inzunza What's new on the spectrum? An enlightening journey to discover Santiago Nuyoó's community network
19 December 2018 | News Feminist internet in 2018: From cooking feminist recipes and deepening analysis, to femhacks, trainings and fostering learning communities
5 December 2018 | News What's new on the spectrum? "With flexibility and creativity, spectrum can be used efficiently": A discussion with Karla Velasco Ramos and Erick Huerta