14 April 2010 | News AL Impact 2.0? Experimenting with social networking for policy change in Latin America
12 April 2010 | Project Impact 2.0: Experimenting with social networking for policy change in Latin America
27 March 2010 | News AL and KAH Peru's farmers lack information: Why are telecentres being underused?
27 March 2010 | News Orlando Arratia and AL Broadband in Bolivia: Good intentions and a long way to go
4 February 2010 | APC Talk gabinete de comunicación y educación The International Congress on “Media literacy and digital cultures”
17 December 2009 | News Dominican Republic guarantees women's equality in technology initiatives and policies across the country
29 October 2009 | News María Eugenia Hidalgo and AL Ecuador: Getting to where cables and commercial interests don't reach