Distinguished Co-facilitators,
We have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication and Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum.
At the outset, I would like to thank the Co-facilitators for convening this thematic deep dive, which provides the opportunity to share our ideas and vision on this topic.
We have been involved with the Human rights online process in Bangladesh since 2010. Now it is time to act to redefine Human rights online & offline. It is the right time to reinforce universal access to the internet as a Basic Human Right, Not Just a Privilege. It should be included in every state constitution like the Internet as a Basic Human Right.
We would like to fully endorse the UNESCO guidelines about digital platforms. Stakeholders of Public and Private should respect human rights and comply with five key principles:
Platforms conduct human rights due diligence.
Platforms should adhere to International human rights standards, including in platform design, content moderation and curation.
Platforms are transparent.
Platforms make available information and tools for users
Platforms are accountable to relevant stakeholders,
Madam/Mr. Co-facilitators,
We have endorsed the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet since 2011. The Charter was initiated by the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition of the UN Internet Governance Forum as a Dynamic Coalition in 2011.
Moreover, we would like to again reaffirm the 10 principles and 21 rights of the Charter of Human Rights and Principles of the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition of the UN IGF.
The 10 Principles are:
Madam/Mr. Co-facilitators,
Investing in improving knowledge and capacity about human rights online and offline is very important. The Human Rights Online domain should ensure the Right to Culture and Access to Knowledge on the internet in the following manner:
Diversity of language and Cultures
Right to use one’s Language
Freedom from restrictions of access to knowledge by licensing and copyrights
Knowledge commons and the public domain
Free/ Open-Source software and Open standard
Equality of access
Right to Consumer Protection on the Internet
Right to legal remedy
Right to Use of Use of Encryption and
Minimum Standards on Use of Personal Data.
To conclude, Madam/Mr. Co-facilitators,
We look forward to working together towards a Global Digital Compact and we would appreciate it if you could kindly persuade the concerned authority to allow us the upcoming Ministerial Meeting of the Summit of the Future in September 2023.
I thank you, Madam/Mr. Co-facilitators.
Joy Bangla! Joy Bangabandhu!