From March to September 2024, APC's Women's Rights Programme (WRP) engaged in an in-depth process of consultation, collaboration and meaningful discussion in order to reflect, explore and redefine its approach to collectively practicing feminist technology. That process resulted in the creation of a strategic framework for its work in the form of the WRP Strategic Plan 2025-2028.
"Born from six months of collective reflection and reimagining, this framework holds space for curiosity, feminist analysis and collective sensemaking across our community," says Hija Kamran, APC's GenderIT editor. The strategy is presented as a "living document," reflecting deep transformation and intentionality in shaping WRP's approach to co-creating feminist futures in the coming years.
"This journey prompted us to recalibrate our ways of being and doing together, to refine our articulation of what truly matters in our work, and adapt our approach to practicing feminist technology in community with others," wrote Christy Alves Nascimento in a powerful introduction to this new strategic plan, which also delves into the history of APC's Women's Rights programme from its inception in the early 1990s.
"From Beijing '95 to pioneering work on #OGBV, we've woven networks of care and solidarity," reflected Kamran. "This new strategy honours that legacy while embracing emergence and collective wisdom."
To read the full WRP Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028, download it online here. You can also read this article on GenderIT.org, which introduces it.