APC-Africa-Women was created as a network of organisations and individuals that work to empower African women’s organisations to access and use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for equality and development. APC-Africa-Women became the Africa regional programme of APC’s Women’s Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP)
In the 90s and 2000s, APC-Africa-Women (AAW) became one of the strongest regional networks associated with APC WNSP, and had over 70 members. These included organisations and individuals, both Anglophone and Francophone, all of which work empowering African women's organisations to access and use ICTs for equality and development.
AAW was the African regional network of APC WNSP, but it operated within its own context and responded to the needs of local
communities. To this extent, it operated both collectively and autonomously in the network structure. Since its first official activity in 1996, AAW succeeded in raising African women's awareness of ICTs and broadening the strategic use of ICTs by women in important social justice and development processes